Battle Toads.....

Age 34, Female


Texas University Arlington

Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

Joined on 6/1/04

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Posted by ZeldaFreak701 - April 29th, 2008

A LOVELY Zelda vid!

/* */
And here's a grammar lesson while you listen to the pretty music:

I am getting tired of seeing so many people misusing certain words in the english language. After re-reading the rules, it clearly says: Use proper punctuation and grammar. Now, although some of these example aren't really necessary, those that do know the proper use of the following words will not take you as seriously and think you're ignorant. So here's some simple pointers for you.

"Your" and "You're"
This is the most common one I see, yet it's the most simple.
Your car is very nice
You're a really good driver.
These are correct examples.

Your stupid.
Wrong! When using "your" in this context, that would make "stupid" a noun. "Stupid" is not a noun, it is an adjective, thus making the above pharase a fragment. Your typically goes in front of a noun. I sure hope you all know what a noun is. You're is a contraction of "You are" like in the example above. "You are a really good driver" still makes sense, right? Right. Get it?

"To" and "Too"
This one is also very common, but understandable if it's hard to keep up with. Just follow along.
I'm going too.
You are going to work.
These are correct examples.

I can't really explain just to because you use that one anyway. Too is what really throws many of you off. Just think of it like this: Too can be replaced by "As well" or "Also". If you replace Too with "As well" or "Also" and it still makes sense, chances are, you're using it right.

I want to go too.
I want to go as well.

You have one too.
You have one also.

But don't let that throw you off! Too is also used before words to emphasize a verb that excels.
She's too fast!
I'm too tired.

Again, I'm sure you know where to use them, but be sure you're using the right too.

"Their" and "There" and "They're"
Now how do you manage to misuse these? I've seen "There so stupid", or "Their wasn't anyone there". These are real examples I've seen! Wow!
Nobody lives there.
They're not going to let you in.
It was their idea.
These are correct examples.

With They're, It's just the same as You're. It is a contraction meaning "they are". It should be easy enough to remember.
They're so talented.
Easy enough.

There and Their should also be easy enough. Their is ownership that is typically placed in front of a noun.
Their dog is very cute.

There refers to a place and is typically placed in front of a verb. You all know what verbs are, right?
There used to be a tree there.

"A" and "An"
These are very easy! If you read this, you should not have any more trouble with the use of these words!
A little girl came up to me today.
An intelligent woman is giving a grammar lesson.
These are correct examples.

An goes in front of a word that begins with a vowel (A, E, I, O and U). A goes in front of a word that begins with a consonant, including Y.

Now I hope this is helpful to some of you. I know a lot of you don't care at all about using proper grammar, but honestly, if you do, people will take you a lot more seriously. And I would know. I'll post more if I see anymore recurring mistakes.


yay. Cool, zelda video.

I love your Mario hat, where did you get it?

SIx Flags I believe.

zelda is so awesome!!!

How did you post a video in your blog??

You get the code off youtube and then go to your blog. It has an "embed video" button on there. Paste the code in there and you're set.

How come I've never noticed you before? I usually keep tabs with all the girl NG'ers

I am quite the regular on the forums lately. Maybe you just haven't caught me.

We need link, and I am your old hero that told the bastard the diference between "you're" and "your".

I shouldn't have seen that, it made want to play the game again

That's what it did to me.

Thx for accepting that friend request, although I noticed your default pic on there you're wearing glasses, your default on here you're not.

I had the same default on here too, but I changed it because I thought it looked better.

You're a cutie.

I know, hun. I know.


I kinda mistakenly deleted your coment with the pic on MySpace.

Sorry about that, feel free to put it back up....


Everything's cool hunny bunny.

That's just plain LOVELY.

If it makes you happy I 'm playing Majora's Mask again.

And I also think Star Wars and Red Hot Chilli Peppers are tha shit!!

Hell yes they are!


hey check out my userpage maybe something there will peak your interests.

D: old pic > new pic

Why thank you. This picture was taken over 2 years ago, the other one was taken a few weeks ago. So I agree, I like the older one better.

personally I prefer Ocorina of time but Majaros mask was cool to... Twilight princess is the best one though

It iz a nice pichur, even if it iz olds...

As previously said, Major's mask is godly. So is this vid.

Thank you very much!

Also now that I see it, go Dallas/Ft.Worth area of Texas!

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